Conference Proceeding

Assessing Driver Fitness to Participate in FHWA Field Experimentation at Night

  • John A Molino (Science Applications International Corporation, McLean, VA)
  • Linda S Opiela (Federal Highway Administration, D.C.)
  • Bryan J Katz (Science Applications International Corporation, McLean, VA)
  • M Joseph Moyer (Federal Highway Administration, D.C.)


A Driving Fitness Form was developed to ensure that drivers areready to participate in field driving experiments at night. The form was tested in afield experiment conducted in Delta, Pennsylvania, during August 2004. The fieldexperiment was part of a cooperative research program conducted by the FederalHighway Administration and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.Sixteen research participants drove a curvy stretch of rural two-lane highway eachnight for 8 nights with different pavement markings and markers on the roadway.Partly due to the Driving Fitness Form, the experiment was completedsuccessfully by all participants without any incidents or crashes. The DrivingFitness Form performed well, and summary data were collected on the sample of16 drivers.

How to Cite:

Molino, J. & Opiela, L. & Katz, B. & Moyer, M., (2005) “Assessing Driver Fitness to Participate in FHWA Field Experimentation at Night”, Driving Assessment Conference 3(2005), 181-187. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 2005 the author(s)

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Published on
28 Jun 2005
Peer Reviewed