Conference Proceeding

Change Detection Performance Under Divided Attention with Dynamic Driving Scenarios

  • Yi-Ching Lee (University of Iowa, Iowa City)
  • John D Lee (University of Iowa, Iowa City)
  • Linda Ng Boyle (University of Iowa, Iowa City)


This study investigated the effect of cognitive load on the relationshipbetween confidence in detecting changes and actual change detectionperformance. Two experiments simulated glancing away from the roadway byperiodically blanking the driver’s view for one second. Experiments wereconducted in a driving simulator where participants were asked to detect changesin the location and appearance of other vehicles while driving on a multi-lanesuburban roadway. In addition, cognitive load was imposed using messages thatparticipants were asked to listen to and answer questions about. Participants’sensitivity (d’) to vehicle changes was calculated and compared with subjectiveratings of confidence in detecting those changes. Results indicated a positiverelationship between d’ and confidence, suggesting that participants were aware ofthe factors that influenced their change-detection performance. However, thestrength of the relationship was situation-dependent. The strength of therelationship decreased when the detection task was more difficult and in thepresence of cognitive load.

How to Cite:

Lee, Y. & Lee, J. & Boyle, L., (2005) “Change Detection Performance Under Divided Attention with Dynamic Driving Scenarios”, Driving Assessment Conference 3(2005), 195-201. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 2005 the author(s)

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Published on
28 Jun 2005
Peer Reviewed