Steering Entropy Revisited
Drivers aim to maintain their vehicle within a number of individualsituated safety margins. Safety margin violations are characterized by rapid strongcorrective steering. Steering entropy was introduced to quantify drivers’ efforts tomaintain their lateral safety margins. In the original steering entropy, severalcomputational assumptions were made. The objective is to scrutinize andmotivate these choices and exemplify the effects of deviations from these choiceswith data from a driver distraction study. The new optimized algorithm is shownto yield significances where a number of classical metrics fail to find anysignificance. Its sensitivity is attributed to the fact that a number of observedchanges in steering behavior all manifest in a widened steering prediction errordistribution which the algorithm picks up sensitively with its log-based weightingof prediction error outliers and its use of a prediction filter that is maximallysensitive to the spectral characteristics of the baseline data.
How to Cite:
Boer, E. & Rakauskas, J., (2005) “Steering Entropy Revisited”, Driving Assessment Conference 3(2005), 25-32. doi:
Rights: Copyright © 2005 the author(s)
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