Road-to-Lab: Validation of the Static Load Test for Predicting On-Road Driving Performance While Using Advanced In-Vehicle Information and Communication Devices
Information, communication, and navigation devices need to beevaluated for ease-of-use and safety while driving. Lab tests, if validated, canevaluate prototype designs faster, more economically, and earlier than on-roadtests. The Static Load Test was evaluated for its ability to predict on-road driverperformance while using in-vehicle devices. In this test, participants performvarious in-vehicle tasks in a lab while viewing a videotaped road scene on amonitor, tapping a brake pedal when a central or peripheral light is observed. Forthe on-road comparison test, the device, tasks, and lights are the same, but theparticipants also drive the vehicle while performing the tasks and responding tothe lights. In both the lab and road tests, ten driver performance variables weremeasured. Our goal was to produce a linear model to predict an on-road variablefrom the lab data with low residual error, high percent variance explained, andfew errors in classifying tasks as meeting or not meeting on-road driverperformance criteria. Separate test data from a replicated Static Load Test at anindependent lab were used to further validate the models. The results indicate asimple, inexpensive, and low-fidelity Static Load Test can accurately predict anumber of on-road driver performance variables suitable for assessing the safetyand ease-of-use of advanced in-vehicle devices while driving.
How to Cite:
Young, R. & Aryal, B. & Muresan, M. & Ding, X. & Oja, S. & Simpson, S., (2005) “Road-to-Lab: Validation of the Static Load Test for Predicting On-Road Driving Performance While Using Advanced In-Vehicle Information and Communication Devices”, Driving Assessment Conference 3(2005), 240-254. doi:
Rights: Copyright © 2005 the author(s)
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