Assessing Driving Performance with Moderate Visual Field Loss
The minimum binocular horizontal field extent for driver licensingvaries widely between states in the USA. We examined the relationship betweenvisual field extent and open-road driving performance using a scoring method thatmeasured the quality of specific skills for a range of general driving maneuvers,as well as maneuvers that we expected to be difficult for people with restrictedfields. Twenty-eight current drivers with mild to moderate peripheral visual fieldrestrictions (123 ± 20°, V4e target) drove the 14-mile route. While most subjectswere scored as safe drivers, those with more restricted horizontal and verticalbinocular field extents showed significantly poorer skills in maneuvers for whicha wide field of vision is likely to be important (p ≤ 0.05): speed matching whenchanging lanes, and maintaining lane position and keeping to the path of the curvewhen driving around curves. Further studies using similar assessment methodswith drivers with more restricted fields are necessary to determine the minimumfield extent for safe driving.
How to Cite:
Bowers, A. & Peli, E. & Elgin, J. & McGwin, G., Jr & Owsley, C., (2005) “Assessing Driving Performance with Moderate Visual Field Loss”, Driving Assessment Conference 3(2005), 33-40. doi:
Rights: Copyright © 2005 the author(s)
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