Conference Proceeding

Can Sea Bands ® Be Used to Mitigate Simulator Sickness?

  • Amy D Wesley (UGS Corporation, Bronx, NY)
  • James C Sayer (Van Buren Township, Michigan)
  • Steve Tengler (Nissan North America, Farmington Hills, MI)


A North American tier-one automotive supplier (TOAS) conducted a study in 2002 using a vehicle driving simulator to study simulator sickness. The goals of the study were twofold: (a) determine a screening process to identify those individuals who should be excluded from future simulator studies due to their susceptibility to simulator sickness and (b) explore a mitigation technique to lessen the severity of simulator sickness symptoms using the FDA-approved Sea Bands® acupressure wrist bands. The study revealed that prior experience with motion sickness is not necessarily a good predictor of who will become sick in a simulator, but one’s own perception of susceptibility to motion and simulator sicknesses may be a reliable predictor. It also revealed that the acupressure wrist bands may be an effective method for managing simulator sickness among older participants.

How to Cite:

Wesley, A. & Sayer, J. & Tengler, S., (2005) “Can Sea Bands ® Be Used to Mitigate Simulator Sickness?”, Driving Assessment Conference 3(2005), 297-303. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 2005 the author(s)

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Published on
29 Jun 2005
Peer Reviewed