Conference Proceeding
Authors: Michael J Flannagan (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) , Mary Lynn Mefford (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
Participants drove an instrumented car equipped with conventionalrearview mirrors and with a camera rear vision system. They observed theapproach of an overtaking car in the alternative rear vision systems and indicatedthe last moment at which it would be safe to initiate a lane-change maneuver infront of it. Their judgments were strongly affected by the type of display used toobserve the overtaking car. The longest distances were obtained with the camerabaseddisplay at unit magnification. Distances were substantially shorter with theconventional mirror and with the camera-based display at 0.5 minification. Theseresults are consistent with results from an earlier study conducted under staticconditions.
How to Cite: Flannagan, M. & Mefford, M. (2005) “Distance Perception with a Camera-Based Rear Vision System in Actual Driving”, Driving Assessment Conference. 3(2005). doi: