Conference Proceeding

In-Vehicle Navigation Systems: Interface Characteristics and Industry Trends

  • Robert E Llaneras (Westat, Rockville, MD)
  • John P Singer


A review and inventory of in-vehicle navigation systems was conducted in order to better understand the current state of practice and trends relating to their design and implementation. The review focused on human factors characteristics and interface features using accepted human factors practices, principles, and guidelines as a basis for assessing likely impacts on driver distraction. The inventory examined market-ready in-vehicle products, and identified a range of interface design features, noting aspects and dimensions that have implications for potential driver distraction. Results indicated that devices tend to incorporate a large number of features and options, making it a potential challenge for drivers to learn all of the capabilities of a system and resulting in lengthy manuals. Although devices also tended to provide large amounts of information, some designs may allow for increased information presentation without necessarily sacrificing performance. Warnings or cautions against interacting with systems while driving were common; however, relatively few systems disable equipment when vehicles are in operation.

How to Cite:

Llaneras, R. & Singer, J., (2003) “In-Vehicle Navigation Systems: Interface Characteristics and Industry Trends”, Driving Assessment Conference 2(2003), 52-58. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 2003 the authors

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Published on
22 Jul 2003
Peer Reviewed