Conference Proceeding
Authors: Susan T Chrysler (Texas Transportation Institute, College Station) , James Wright (Texas Transportation Institute, College Station) , Alicia Williams (Texas Transportation Institute, College Station)
Traditionally, traffic sign comprehension has been tested using paper-and-pencil tests with line drawings of signs and uncontrolled viewing time of the test signs. This study compares these types of tests to dynamic tests using an interactive driving simulator. Multiple-choice tests concerning sign comprehension were administered to five groups of Texas drivers following exposure to traffic sign stimuli via line drawings, still computer drawings in a roadway context either with or without controlled exposure, a video of a “drive through” from the simulator, or driving in the simulator itself. Results show interesting differences among the groups that suggest that past studies may have overestimated sign comprehension.
How to Cite: Chrysler, S. , Wright, J. & Williams, A. (2003) “A Comparison of Traffic Sign Comprehension Using Static, Dynamic and Interactive Media”, Driving Assessment Conference. 2(2003). doi: