Crash Risk: Eye Movement as Indices for Dual Task Driving Workload
The goal of the present study was to examine eye movements as a function of dual task difficulty while driving. Two tasks were examined: maintaining a predetermined distance while car following and detecting a light change. Task demands were manipulated by varying the amplitude of lead vehicle’s (LV) speed change and increasing the average LV speed. As task demands increased, the number of saccades decreased. There was no significant difference in number of fixations, fixation duration, number of eye blinks, or pupil size. While car following performance did not change, drivers were more accurate at the light detection task at the 100% amplitude condition verses the 120%
How to Cite:
Kang, J. & Bian, Z. & Andersen, G., (2009) “Crash Risk: Eye Movement as Indices for Dual Task Driving Workload”, Driving Assessment Conference 5(2009), 356-362. doi:
Rights: Copyright © 2009 the author(s)
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