The Trainer Project: Matching Training Curricula to Drivers Real Needs Using Multimedia Tools
- Daniel Herregods (Pole ProMotions SPRL/BVBA Driving Know-How Consulting KORTENBERG, BELGIUM)
- Herve Nowe (Pole ProMotions SPRL/BVBA Driving Know-How Consulting KORTENBERG, BELGIUM)
- Angelos Bekiaris (AUTH, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
- Guido Baten (CARA, Belgian Road Safety Institute, Belgium)
- Christian Knoll (IAT, University of Stuttgart, Germany)
One of the more important issues in road insecurity is that drivers are not enough conscious of allthe dynamics involved while driving a vehicle. Historically, driver training has focused onvehicle control skills and traffic rules without reaching far enough in the efforts to provide riskawareness and other higher order skills. The European Union supported “TRAINER” projectaddresses this problem with the development of a cost-effective Pan-European driver trainingmethodology based on realistic, interactive, off-road tools: a new interactive multimedia trainingtool, a low cost stationary and a mean cost semi-dynamic driving simulator.This paper describes the interactive multimedia tool requirements and scenarios design tosupport driver training and assessment in strategic and manoeuvring tasks. The more than 100different scenarios developed allows training and assessment of higher cognitive skills andfamiliarisation of novice drivers with the basic principles of driving: safety belt use, alcoholdriving influence, gap acceptance, headway tailgating, peripheral view, yielding, lane changing,turning, unforeseen events, hazard perception, overtaking manoeuvres, visual cues, parked car,intersection turning, pedestrians and children and so on.After verification of the methodology and assessment of the effect on risk awarenessenhancement of learners drivers through tests with 30 novice drivers (and an equal controlgroup) in 4 European countries, the TRAINER tools will be integrated into a common Europeandriver education and assessment methodology, that will also contribute towards safe integrationof novice drivers into the traffic environment.
How to Cite:
Herregods, D. & Nowe, H. & Bekiaris, A. & Baten, G. & Knoll, C., (2001) “The Trainer Project: Matching Training Curricula to Drivers Real Needs Using Multimedia Tools”, Driving Assessment Conference 1(2001), 118-118. doi:
Rights: Copyright © 2001 the author(s)
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