Examination of Older Driver Steering Adaptation on a High Performance Driving Simulator
The objective of this study was to examine how long it takes for older drivers to adapt their steering control on a fixed-base driving simulator. We hypothesized that older drivers achieve maximum training benefit within the first few minutes of a driving simulation. Thirteen drivers over 65 years of age drove a four-channel, 150º forward field-ofview, 50º rear field-of-view, fixed-base driving simulator for 25 minutes. We used a six-degree steering wheel reversal criterion to evaluate drivers’ adaptation to the simulator. Since drivers’ adapt to a simulator over time, we examined the number of steering wheel reversals greater than six degrees that occurred per minute during each of three sections, the start, middle and end of the 25-minute drive. The results showed that older drivers needed about three minutes to adapt and get the “feel” of the simulator. Before this time driving behavior in the simulator may not be representative of actual driving performance. These results provide preliminary support for assuming that an adaptation period as short as five minutes may enable drivers to adapt to the driving simulator and drive normally.
How to Cite:
McGehee, D. & Lee, T. & Rizzo, M. & Bateman, K., (2001) “Examination of Older Driver Steering Adaptation on a High Performance Driving Simulator”, Driving Assessment Conference 1(2001), 197-201. doi: https://doi.org/10.17077/drivingassessment.1038
Rights: Copyright © 2001 the author(s)
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