Session 5: Hand Modeling

Wrist model for the whole human hand

Author: Esteban Peña-Pitarch (EPSEM(UPC))

  • Wrist model for the whole human hand

    Session 5: Hand Modeling

    Wrist model for the whole human hand



A hand with 25 degrees of freedom (DOF) was proposed with forward and inverse kinematics for all fingers, with a realistic virtual simulation. However, the wrist is not in the model. Today, several authors have proposed in the literature that the wrist has a relative movement between the two rows of bones with eight bones. Some authors discuss a comparison of four joint coordinate systems previously described in the literature. Others propose a helical movement of wrist bones in distal movements.

Objective: A new design the hand model of 25 DOF adding a movement of two rows and eight bones of the wrist.

Methods: Once we locate a new coordinates system in the end of the radius close to the scaphoid, we apply Denavit-Hartenberg for all joints. Forward and inverse kinematics are applied. We include ten ligaments to apply restrictions in the wrist movement, which affects fingertip position.

Results: A new model of a virtual human hand with more accuracy is presented and validated with a Cyberglove™ and Leap Motion.

Conclusions: This new model that includes wrist movement yields a more accurate virtual human hand. New DOFs are added to the 25-DOF hand model.

Keywords: virtual human hand, wrist, 29 degrees of freedom

How to Cite:

Peña-Pitarch, E., (2022) “Wrist model for the whole human hand”, Proceedings of the 7th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium 7(1): 20, 8 pages. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 2022 the author(s)

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Published on
23 Aug 2022
Peer Reviewed