Dwelling in a "Borderland" between academic and narrative writing, and drawing from the work of Gloria Anzaldu'a, bell hooks, and Michel Foucault, this essay critically confronts and transgresses the disciplinary structure of information production, both inside the Academy and out. Scholars of Hip-Hop will be especially interested in the author's analysis of Hip-Hop as a scholarly discourse, and her argument that different genres of scholarly discourse, such as Hip-Hop and MLA-style English, can and indeed should be blended within the Academy to stimulate new ways of thinking.
Keywords: Pedagogy, Disciplinarity, Borderlands, Critical Information Theory, Transgression, Hip-Hop
How to Cite:
Hall, R., (2010) “Learning Between Borders”, B Sides: Fieldwork 2010(1): 16, 1–16.
Rights: Copyright © 2010 Rachel Hall
Publisher Notes
Previously presented in Analysis of Scholarly Domains, taught by Professor James Elmborg, Spring 2010.
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