
Selected Recent Acquisitions

  • Selected Recent Acquisitions


    Selected Recent Acquisitions

Keywords: University of Iowa Libraries – Collections and Acquisitions

How to Cite:

(1988) “Selected Recent Acquisitions”, Books at Iowa 49(1), 72-76. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 1988, The University of Iowa.



Published on
01 Nov 1988
 Books at Iowa: Selected Recent Acquisitions

Aesopus. Aesop's Fables. Decorations and illustrations by Lucy Fitch Perkins. New York, 1908. Gift of Alan F. January.

Actuarius, Joannes. Methodi medendi libri sex. Venice, 1554. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Alamanni, Luigi. La coltivazione e gli epigrammi. Bassano, 1795. Leigh Hunt's signed copy. Copy of David Stam.

Amussat, Jean Zulema. Recherches sur l'introduction accidentelle de l'air danales veines. Paris, 1739. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Bay, J. Christian. Rare and beautiful imprints of Chicago. Chicago, 1922. Gift of Mike Maddigan.

Blacklock, Thomas. Poems on several occasions. Edinburgh, 1754. Gift of Alan F. January.

Bleuland, Jan. Observationes anatomica-medicae de sana et morbosa oesophacqi structura. Leiden, 1785. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Boyer, Baron Alexis. Traite des maladies chirurgicales et des opérations qui leur conviennent. Paris, 1814-1826. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Boyle, Robert. Some considerations touching the style of H. Scriptures. 3rd edition. London, 1668. Gift of Alan F. January.

Brierre de Boismont, Alexandre-Jacques-Francois. Du suicide et de la folie suicide. Paris, 1856. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Broussais, Francois Joseph Victor. Examen de la doctrine médicale généralement adoptée, et des systèmes modenes de nosologie. Paris, 1816. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Cadogan, William. A dissertation on the gout. London, 1771. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Chinese literary works. 1,045 volumes of books and 1,287 issues of journals on modern Chinese literature. Gift of Hualing Nieh Engle.

Down, John Langdon. Observations on the ethnic classification of idiots. London, 1866. In: London Hospital Clinical Lectures and Reports, Vol. III. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Dujardin, Francois, & Bernard Peyrilhe. Histoire de la chirurgie. Paris, 1774, 1780. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Dunlap, Joseph R. On the heritage of William Morris, some considerations typographie & otherwise. New York, 1976. Gift of Jean James.

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett. Five plays. New York, 1914. Signed copy. Gift of Kenneth Oberembt.

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett. Plays of gods and men. London, 1917. Gift of Kenneth Oberembt.

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett. Tales of War. Dublin, 1918. Gift of Kenneth Oberembt.

Dupuytren, Guillaume. Leçons orales de clinique chirurgicale. Paris, 1832-1834. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Elyot, Sir Thomas. The castell of helth. London, 1560?. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Falloppio, Gabriele. De medicatis aquis atque de fossilibus. Venice, 1564. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Flourens, Pierre. Cours sur la génération, l'ovologie et l'embryologie. Paris, 1836. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Forge, Andrew. An appreciation of Naum Gabo. Biddenden, England, 1985. Gift of Jean James.

Frizzi, Benedetto. Dissertazione di polizie sopr'alcuni proibiti.... Pavia, 1787. With his Dissertazione di polizie medica sul Pentateuco, Pavia, 1789, and his Dissertazione di polizie medica sul Pentateuco in reguardo alle, Cremona, 1790. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Gegenbaur, Carl. Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbelthiere. Leipzig, 1864-1872. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Gersdorff, Hans von. Feldtbuch der Wundartzney. Strassburg, 1530. 4th ed. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Grier, William. The Mechanic's Calculator, Glasgow, 1839, 7th ed., bound with The Mechanic's Pocket Dictionary, Glasgow, 1839, 4th ed. Gift of Alan F. January.

Hardin Library for the Health Sciences. $535 for the purchase of library materials. Gift of various people in memory of Malcolm McMichael, D.D.S.

Houllier, Jacques. Omnia opera practica. Geneva, 1623. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Howells, William Dean. The seen and unseen at Stratford-on-Avon, a fantasy. New York, 1914. Gift of Alan F. January.

Iowa battalion records. Predecessor of the Reserve Officers Training Corps, The University of Iowa. Transfer from the State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa City.

Iowa Infantry. 20th Regiment, 1862-1864. Co. E. Three documents: Muster-out roll dated 1862-1865, a copy of orders for Private W. J. Johnson dated 3 April 1865, and a list of the regiment's soldiers who were buried in the Chalmette, Louisiana, National Military Cemetery dated 19 May 1890. Gift of Alan F. January.

Iowa State Board of Education. In Commemoration of Doctor Campbell Palmer Howard. Des Moines, 1936. This tribute to the memory of Campbell Palmer Howard (1877-1936), who served as chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine from 1910 to 1924, was presented to R. Palmer Howard, M.D., by the Iowa State Board of Education in 1936. It is handwritten on heavy paper in a fine cursive style, with a beautifully rubricated title page and laid in a satin-lined black leather folder. Gift of Dr. R. Palmer Howard.

James, Henry. William Wetmore Story and his friends from letters, diaries, and recollections. Two volumes. Boston, 1903. Gift of Alan F. January.

Japanese Buddhism. $2,500 to purchase about 100 volumes in Japanese of important works. Gift of the Japan Foundation.

Japanese politics during the Taisho Era, 1912-1926. 103 volumes and nine tapes. Gift of Reid Nolte in memory of his wife, Dr. Sharon Nolte.

Le Boe, Frans de. Opera medica. Geneva, 1681. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Lincoln, Abraham. The Lincoln and Douglas debates in the senatorial campaign of 1858 in Illinois, between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Arnold Douglas. New York, 1905. A variant edition lacking date on title page. Gift of Alan F. January.

Lyell, Charles. Elements of geology. Philadelphia, 1839. First American edition. Gift of R. Palmer Howard, M.D.

Mannheimer, Eugene. Notes on the history of the school of religion at the University of Iowa and its Jewish department. Des Moines, 1950. Transfer from the school of religion to the University Archives.

Mascagni, Paolo. Prodromo della grande anatomia. Milan, 1821. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Maynardus, Petrus. De preseruatione hominu[m] a pestiphero morbo; et De quiditate pestis [et] de causis eius [et] signis libellus. Venice? 1523. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Mercklin, G. A. Tractatio medica curiosa de ortu et occasu transfusionis sanguinis. Nuremberg, 1679. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Microbiology. $1,705 to purchase continuing subscriptions to Current microbiology and Enzyme and microbial technology for the next three years. Gift of Lacy Daniels.

Moyllus, Damianus. Das alphabet des Damianus Moyllus. Basel, 1971. Gift of Jean James.

Muller, Mary. Little people of the snow. Chicago, 1900. Gift of Alan F. January.

Nicander of Colophon. Theriaca. Cologne, 1530. With Theriaca et Alexipharmaca, Cologne, 1531. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Owen, John. Dissertation on divine justice: or, the claims of vindicatory justice asserted. Edinburgh, 1770?. Gift of Alan F. January.

Percival, Thomas. Medical ethics. Manchester, 1803. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Poor, Henry William. Catalogue of the "V.A.B." collection in the library of Henry W. Poor. New York, 1903. Gift of Mike Maddigan.

Pourfoir du Petit, F. (Edited by A. Louis). Nouveau systeme du cerveau. Paris, 1766. In Recueil d'observations d'anatomie et de chirurgie. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Reed, Benjamin F. History of Kossuth County, Iowa. Two volumes. Chicago, 1913. Gift of Michael Newton in memory of Donald Call Hutchison.

David Middleton Reed collection on Chinese civilization. An ongoing gift was used to complete the 1,500-volume set Wen yan ko Ssu k'u ch'an shu (the great encyclopedia of the four treasures at the Wen yuan pavilion) first compiled in 1781.

Ruelle, J. Two anatomical fugitive sheets: male and female with flaps. Paris, ca. 1539. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Scherer, Joseph. Tabulae anatomicae quae exhibent Musaei Anatomici Academiae Caes. Req. Josephine praeparata ceres. Vienna, 1817-1821. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Schroeder van der Kolk, Jacob Lodewijk Koenraad. Die Pathologie und Therapie der Geisteskrankheiten. Brunswick, 1863. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Steno, Nicolaus. Elementorum myologiae specimen. Florence, 1667. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Symington, Johnson. The topographical anatomy of the child. Edinburgh, 1887. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

The Szathmary collection relating to the culinary arts, food production, and service. Printed books concerning wine, beverages, and temperance; bottles and decanters; diet and nutrition; culinary science; cookery series; restaurant and travel guide books; books inscribed to Chef Louis and his wife Sada; 960 items; with approximately 520 volumes of professional and popular culinary journals. Gift of Chef Louis Szathmary.

Taft, William Howard. Portrait photograph inscribed to Mrs. Campbell Howard, Pointe au Pic, Quebec, August 25, 1924, 6x9 inches. Gift of R. Palmer Howard, M.D.

Tiedemann, Friedrich. Tabulae corporis humani, Abbildungen der Puisadero.... Karlsruhe, 1822. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Topinard, Paul. De l’ataxie locomotrice et en particulier de la maladie appelée ataxie locomotrice progressive. Paris, 1864. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

Tschichold, Jan. Die neue typographie. Berlin, 1928. Gift of Jean James.

Tyndall, John. Essays on the floating-matter of the air in relation to putrefaction and infection. London, 1881. Gift of Dr. John Martin.

John P. Vander Maas collection of railroadiana. 20,176 photos of power and equipment, 14 scrapbooks along with such related items as train orders, tickets, books, timetables, and magazines. Gift of John P. Vander Maas.

Whittier, John G. Poems. New York, 1886. Gift of Alan F. January.