
The Indicator

  • The Indicator


    The Indicator

How to Cite:

(1994) “The Indicator”, Books at Iowa 61(1), 1-2. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 1994, The University of Iowa.



Published on
01 Nov 1994
 Books at Iowa: The Indicator

Indicator MarkMemories of Tent Chautauqua

The Friends of the University Libraries will be celebrating a third Chautauqua next spring. Some of you may have memories of tent chautauqua events in your youth and the Editors of Books at Iowa would like to feature your memories in an upcoming issue.

This is an official invitation asking you to submit a short reflection on your experience at a tent chautauqua. Please send your work (typed if possible but not necessary) by January 15, 1995, to Bob McCown, Special Collections, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, Iowa 52242.

Indicator MarkThe Iowa Szathmary Culinary Arts Series

The Cincinnati Cookbook, originally published in 1908, is the latest volume in the Iowa Szathmary Culinary Series. This facsimile reproduces the entire volume, including the advertisements that face nearly every page of text and the photographs that feature the Cincinnati of the past. You will find recipes for breads, cookies, cakes and icings, salads, salad dressings, oysters, crabs, sardines, veal loaf, Spanish cream, cream salmon, cream puffs, soups, and pickles. Also included are household hints. Edited by David Schoonover, Curator of Rare Books, the volume is available from the University of Iowa Press for $24.95.