
Recent Acquisitions

  • Recent Acquisitions


    Recent Acquisitions

Keywords: University of Iowa Libraries – Collections and Acquisitions

How to Cite:

(1965) “Recent Acquisitions”, Books at Iowa 2(1), 41-42. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 1965, The University of Iowa.



Published on
01 Apr 1965
 Books at Iowa: Recent Acquisitions

  • Blunden, Edmund. The Barn. Uckfield, England, 1916. One of 50 copies of one of Blunden’s earliest books.
  • Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. The Seraphim, and other Poems. London, 1838. First edition. A gift of Mr. Edward Robinson.
  • Browning, Robert. Christmas-Eve and Easter-Day. A Poem. London, 1850.
  • Clap, Thomas. A Brief History and Vindication of the Doctrines Received and Established in the Churches of New England. New Haven, 1755. Gift of Old Gold Development Fund.
  • Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. Among the numerous early editions of Mark Twain’s works which have recently been acquired are the following:
    • Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. London, 1884. First English edition.
    • The Gilded Age. Hartford, 1873.
    • The Innocents Abroad. Hartford, 1869. A gift of Dr. Hayes Martin.
    • The Innocents Abroad. Hartford, 1869. A gift of William Wittenberg.
    • Life on the Mississippi. Boston, 1883.
    • Roughing It. Hartford, 1872. First state of first edition.
    • A Tramp Abroad. London, 1880. First English edition.
    • What is Man? New York, 1906. Privately printed at the DeVinne Press, this copy is from Twain’s library and contains two autograph notes by him tipped onto the front flyleaf.

  • Fitch, Thomas. Reasons why the British Colonies in America Should Not be Charged with External Taxes. New Haven, 1764. Gift of Old Gold Development Fund.
  • Keats, John. Poems. London, 1817. First edition of Keats’s first book and one of the rarest and most valuable books ever acquired by The University of Iowa Library. A gift of Mr. and Mrs. William Randolph Hearst, Jr.
  • Latin-American Periodicals. A few of the recent additions to the library’s fine collection of Latin-American periodicals are the following:
    • Gazetas de Mexico. No. 1-26. Mexico City, 14 January 1784—29 December 1784.
    • El Mercurio Chileno. No. 1-16. Santiago de Chile, 1 April 1828—15 July 1829.
    • El Observador de la Republica Mexicana. Vol. 1-3. Mexico City, 6 June 1827—2 January 1828.
    • La Prensa Peruana. No. 1-111. Lima, 1828.
    • Revista de Santiago. Vol. 1-3. Santiago de Chile, 1848—1849.
    • La Verdad Desnuda; Periodico Politico y Literario. Guayaquil, Ecuador. Appeared two or three times a month from 1 June 1839 to 21 May 1840.

  • Penn, William. England’s Present Interest Discover’d with Honour to the Prince, and Safety to the People. London, 1675. Gift of Old Gold Development Fund.
  • Richelieu, Cardinal. Journal. 1649.
  • Sherman, William Tecumseh. Autograph letter signed, 7½ pages, dated February 4, 1887. To Col. John E. Tourtellotte. Sherman discusses Grant’s drinking and defends him against the allegation that he was a drunkard.
  • Spence, Hartzell. Thirty-four manuscript boxes of materials relating to 42 of Spence’s publications, and 15 of Spence’s books in translations and variant editions. Supplements other papers and books given earlier. Gift of the author for the Iowa Authors Collection.
  • Wordsworth, William. Miscellaneous Poems. London, 1820. 4 vols. Thomas L. Beddoes’ copy with pencil notes and many markings in his hand, accompanied by a letter from Edmund Blunden concerning them.