
The Indicator

  • The Indicator


    The Indicator

Keywords: Voyages and travels

How to Cite:

(1987) “The Indicator”, Books at Iowa 47(1), 3-7. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 1987, The University of Iowa.



Published on
01 Nov 1987
 Books at Iowa: The Indicator

Indicator MarkThe twenty-fourth annual spring dinner of the Friends of The University of Iowa Libraries will be held at the Ironmen Inn, 1-80 at Exit 242 in Coralville, on Friday evening, April 29, 1988. The speaker will be Vartan Gregorian, president of the New York Public Library.

Indicator MarkIn 1986 Chef Louis Szathmary of the Bakery Restaurant in Chicago presented additional materials relating to the culinary arts to the University Libraries. In large part the gift is made up of German, Irish, Czech, English, and American manuscript cookbooks, dating from the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries. Included is a handwritten cookbook of Katharine Schratt, mistress of Franz Joseph, emperor of Austria and king of Hungary, which gives some insight into Viennese society about 1900. Other parts of the gift are Der Amerikanische Bierbrauer, the official organ of the United States Brewers Association, 1869-1884; wine catalogs from the Établissements Nicolas in Paris; books on mushrooms, canning, and cookery; and facsimiles of culinary manuscripts. One of the high points in this year's gift is an unpublished typescript by Chicago author Nelson Algren. Entitled "Am Eats [America Eats] Algren," the article describes food and customs that he observed when he was working for the WPA Writers' Project during the depression.

Indicator MarkThe University of Iowa Libraries are fortunate to have received gifts establishing several endowed funds for the purchase of materials on particular subjects. From time to time The Indicator will report on selected acquisitions made possible by these funds.

bookplate for the Frank S. Hanlin Memorial Book Fund

Indicator MarkThe Frank S. Hanlin Memorial Book Fund, honoring a devoted bibliographer and bibliophile, enables the Library to continue its strong interest in fine printing. Books purchased this year on the Hanlin Fund are indicative of a variety of bibliographical topics:

Burroughs, William S. The Cat Inside. New York: Grenfell Press, 1986.

Jeffers, Robinson. Where Shall I Take You To. Covelo, California: Yolla Bolly Press, 1987.

Kay, John. Paper, Its History. London: Smith, Kay and Co., 1893.

Rilke, Rainer Maria. Duineser Elegien-Elegies from the Castle of Duino. London: Hogarth Press, 1931.

Snodgrass, W. D. Locked House. Concord, New Hampshire: William B. Ewert, 1986.

Stoddard, Roger E. Marks in Books, Illustrated and Explained. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Houghton Library, Harvard University, 1985.

Turner, Silvie. Handmade Paper Today. New York: Beil, 1983.

bookplate for the Sara and Harold Lincoln Thompson Collection of Travel Literature and Ethnic Arts

Indicator MarkThis year's purchases for the Sara and Harold Lincoln Thompson Collection of Travel Literature and Ethnic Arts range from the South Seas to the Land of the Midnight Sun, with many other stops:

[Campbell, Walter Frederick]. Life in Normandy; Sketches of French Fishing. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1863.

Barnes, Demas. From the Atlantic to the Pacific, Overland: A Series of Letters. New York: Nostrand, 1866.

Bligh, William. Bligh Notebook. Canberra, Australia: National Library of Australia, 1986.

Boyle, Robert. Generalia Capita Pro Historia Regionum Majorum Vel Minorum .... Geneva: Samuel de Tournes, 1696.

Brisson, Pierre Raymond de. An Historical Narrative of the Shipwreck and Captivity of Mr. de Brisson, an officer belonging to the administration of the French colonies, with a description of the deserts of Africa, from Senegal to Morocco. Perth: R. Morison, junior, for R. Morison and son, Perth, and G. Mudie, Edinburgh, 1789.

Buckley, James Monroe. The Midnight Sun, the Tsar and the Nihilist. Boston: D. Lothrop, 1886.

Clark, Edward Lord. Daleth: or the Homestead of the Nations. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1864.

D'Wolf, John. A Voyage to the North Pacific and a Journey Through Siberia More Than Half a Century Ago. Bristol, RI: Rulon-Miller Books, 1983.

Damer, Mary Georgina. Diary of a tour in Greece, Turkey, Egypt, and the Holy Land. London: Henry Colburn, 1841.

Horn, Georg. Georgi Horni Orbis Imperans. Leiden: Lugduni Batavorum, 1669.

Marjoribanks, Alexander. Travels in New Zealand. London: Smith, Elder, 1846.

Musgrave, Thomas Captain. Castaway on the Auckland Isles. London: Lockwood, 1866.

Newton, John. The Life of John Newton, Once a Sailor, Afterwards Captain of a Slave Ship. New York: Hooker and Russell, 1846.

Orioli, Giuseppe. Moving Along: Just a Diary. London: Chatto and Windus, 1934.

Wheler, George. A Journey into Greece, in Company of Dr. Spon of Lyons. London: Caldeman Kettlewell and Churchill, 1682.

Indicator MarkDuring 1987 several donors made important additions to the rare book collection:

Burnes, Alexander. Travels into Bokhara (Philadelphia, 1835); and
Stephens, John L. Incidents of Travel in Yucatan (London, 1843). Gift of K. K. Merker.

Sandburg, Carl. Abraham Lincoln, the Prairie Years (New York, 1926), numbered, signed by the author, and bound in full blue levant morocco, gold-tooled with leather doublures, by Leonard Mountenay of the Cuneo Fine Binding Studio. Gift of William Anthony.

Whitman, Walt. Leaves of Grass (New York, 1867), the fourth edition, fourth printing. Gift of Terry and Laura Halladay.

Indicator MarkThe Special Collections Department of The University of Iowa Libraries wishes to hear from readers who have formed, or who would be interested in forming, collections of books in the following areas:

English and American literature and history; Iowa authors (by birth or 20 years' residence); children's literature; classical languages and literature; private presses and fine printing; history of printing, papermaking, and bookbinding; illustrated books; art; travel; history of science; natural history; philosophy.

Members of the department would be pleased to discuss such collections at any time.