
Selected Recent Acquisitions

  • Selected Recent Acquisitions


    Selected Recent Acquisitions

Keywords: University of Iowa Libraries – Collections and Acquisitions

How to Cite:

(1987) “Selected Recent Acquisitions”, Books at Iowa 47(1), 36-41. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 1987, The University of Iowa.



Published on
01 Nov 1987
 Books at Iowa: Selected Recent Acquisitions

American Literature

Bourjaily, Vance. The Great Fake Book: A Novel. New York: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1986.

Crane, Hart. Collected Poems of Hart Crane. New York: Liveright, 1933.

Cummings, Edward Estlin. Hist Whist and Other Poems for Children. New York: Liveright, 1983.

Everson, William. Man-Fate: The Swan Song of Brother Antoninus. New York: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1973.

Hartley, Marsden. Collected Poems of Marsden Hartley, 1904-43. Santa Rosa, California: Black Sparrow, 1987.

Klinkenborg, Verlyn. Making Hay. New York: Nick Lyons Books, 1986.

Leggett, John. Making Believe. New York: Houghton-Mifflin, 1986.

Williams, William Carlos. Selected Poems. New York: [New Directions], 1949.

Williams, William Carlos. Paterson. New York: [New Directions], 1948.

English Literature

Cornwall, Barry. English Songs, and Other Small Poems. London: Moxon, 1844.

Dowson, Ernest. New Letters from Ernest Dowson. Gloucestershire, England: Whittington Press, 1984.

Hempel, C. W. The Commercial Tourist, or Gentleman Traveller. A Satirical Poem in Four Cantos. London: G. and W. B. Whittaker, 1822.

Owen, Wilfred. War Poems. Salisbury, England: Perdix Press, 1983.

History of Hydraulics

Beraud, M. (Jean Jacques). Memoire sur la maniere de resserrer le lit des torrens et des rivieres. Aix: Des Imprimeries de Gibelin-David et Emeric-David, 1791.

History of Medicine

Albinus, Bernhard Siegfried. Collected Works. Leiden, 1739-1757.

Aselli, Gaspare. De lactibus sive lacteis venis. Milan, 1627.

Bartholin, Thomas. De lacteis thoracicis in homine brutisque and Vasa lymphatica. Copenhagen, 1653.

Battie, William. A treatise on madness. London, 1758.

Baumes, J. B. T. Traite de la permiere dentition et des maladies souvent tres-graves. . . . Paris, 1806.

Bechterew, V. M. Les fonctions nerveuses. Les fonctions bulbo-medullaires. Paris, 1909.

Bell, Charles. A system of dissections. Edinburgh, 1799-1803.

Bell, John. Engravings, explaining the anatomy of the bones, muscles, and joints. Edinburgh, 1794.

Boerhaave, Hermann. Academic orations. Leiden, 1701-1731?.

Braunschweig, H. Homish apothecarye or physick books. Cologne, 1561.

Browne, Thomas. The Works of Sir Thomas Browne. London, 1928-1931.

Carpue, Joseph Constantine. A history of the high operation for the stone. London, 1819.

Cheselden, William. A treatise on the high operation for stone. London, 1753.

Civiale, J. Traite pratique sur les maladies des organes genito-urinaires. Paris, 1850.

Colles, A. On the fracture of the carpal extremity of the radius. Edinburgh, 1814.

Constantine Africanus. Opera conquisita undique magno studio. Basel, 1536.

Cowper, William. Myotomia reformata. London, 1694.

Digby, Sir Knelm. A late discourse made in a solemn assembly of nobles and learned men at Montpellier in France, touching the cure of wounds by the powder of sympathy. London, 1664.

Estienne, Henri. Dictionarium medicum. Geneva, 1564.

Fuchs, Leonhart. Compendiaria ac succinta admodum medendi artem. Hagenau, 1531.

Gerson, Jean. De simplificatione, stabilitione, sive mundificione cordis .... Cologne, 1472.

Gerson, Jean. De cognitione casitatis et polutionibus diurnis. Cologne, 1467.

Haly Abbas ('Ali ibn al-'Abbas, al'Majusi). Liber totius medicine necessaria continens .... Lyons, 1523.

Harvey, William. Opera. Leiden, 1737.

Hooke, Robert. Micrographia. London, 1665.

Ibn Butlan. Tacuini sanitatis. Strasbourg, 1531.

John of Gaddesden. Rosa anglica practica medicina a capite ad pedes. Pavia, 1492.

Kagawa, Genyu. Sanron yoku. Kyoto, 1775.

Laguna, Andres de. Anatomica methodus, seu de sectione humani corporis contemplatio. Paris, 1535.

Le Cat, C. N. Parallele de la taille laterale. Amsterdam, 1766.

Maimonides, Moses. Aphorismi. Basel, 1579.

Mattioli, P. A. Commentarii in libros sex Padacii Dioscorides de medica materia. Venice, 1544.

Maynwaringe, Everard. The method and means of enjoying health, vigour and long life. London, 1683.

Mayo, Herbert. A series of engravings intended to illustrate the structure of the brain and spinal cord in man. London, 1827.

Pharetra doctorum. Pharetra doctorum et philosophorum. Strassburg, 1472.

Physick, Philip Syng. De apoplexia. Edinburgh, 1792.

Remmelin, Johann. Catoptrum microcosmicum. Ulm?, 1619.

Rufus of Ephesus. De hominis partibus libri III (Peri ton en kystei kai nephrois pathon . . .). Paris, 1554.

Rufus of Ephesus. De vesicae renumque morbis. De purgantibus. De partibus corporis humani. Paris, 1554.

Sandifort, Eduard. Opuscula anatomica. Leiden, 1784.

Sandifort, Eduard. Museum anatomicum Academiae Lugduno-Batavae descriptum. Leiden, 1793-1835.

Scillacio, Niccolo. Opuscula. Pavia, 1496.

Simpson, James Y. Remarks on the superinduction of anaesthesia in natural .... Boston, 1848.

Soranus of Ephesus. De utero et mulierbri pudendo. Paris, 1554.

Spach, Israel. Nomenclator scriptorum medicorum. Frankfurt, 1591.

Steno, N. Elementorum myologiae specimen .... Amsterdam, 1668.

Tolet, Francois. A treatise of lithotomy. London, 1683.

Tuke, Samuel. Description of the Retreat, an institution near York. York, 1813.

Vesalius, Andreas. Anatomia deudsch. Nuremberg, 1551.

Vesalius, Andreas. De humani corporis fabrica librorum epitome. Paris, 1560.

Weyer, Johann. Medicarum observationum rararum liber I. Basel, 1567.

Zerbi, G. Gerontocomia. Rome, 1489.

Zerbis, Gabriele de. Liber anathomie corporis humani. Venice, 1502.

Private Presses

Kees, Weldon. The Ceremony and Other Stories. [Omaha]: Abattoir Editions, 1983.

Merrill, James. From the Cutting-Room Floor. Omaha: Abattoir Editions, 1983.

Raleigh, Sir Walter. Ocean to Cynthia. Omaha: Abattoir Editions, 1984.

Lester-Massman, Gordon. Shocks: Poems. Omaha: Abattoir Editions and the Yellow Barn Press, 1983.

Blazek, Douglas. All Gods Must Learn to Kill. Demarest, New Jersey: Analecta Press, 1968.

Franklin, Colin. Ashendene Press. Dallas: Bridwell Library, Southern Methodist University, 1986.

Schmoller, Hans. Mr. Gladstone's Washi: A Survey of Reports on the Manufacture of Paper in Japan. Newtown, Pennsylvania: Bird and Bull Press, 1984.

H. D. Hippolytus Temporizes: A Play in Three Acts. [Connecticut]: Black Swan, 1986.

McLaughlin, Lissa. Approached by Fur. Providence: Burning Deck, 1976.

Twain, Mark. The Quaker City Holy Land Excursion. Omaha, Nebraska: Buttonmaker Press, 1986.

King, Ronald. Bluebeard's Castle. Guildford, England: Circle Press, 1972.

Duer, David. To Bread. Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 1987.

Disch, Thomas. Tale of Dan De Lion. Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 1986.

Kicknosway, Faye. All These Voices: New and Selected Poems. Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 1986.

Marshall, Jack. Arabian Nights. Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 1986.

Ratner, Rochelle. Bobby's Girl. Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 1986.

Greer, Jane. Bathsheba on the Third Day. Omaha, Nebraska: Cummington Press, 1986.

Howard, Ben. Northern Interior: Poems 1975-1982. Omaha, Nebraska: Cummington Press, 1986.

Wilbur, Richard. Lying and Other Poems. Omaha: Cummington Press, 1987.

Gunn, Thom. Lament. Champaign, Illinois: Doe Press, 1985.

Metcalf, Paul. Firebird. Minneapolis and Tucson: Granary Books and Chax Press, 1987.

Cole, Peter. Rift. New York: Grenfell Press, 1986.

Dowell, Coleman. The Silver Swanne. New York: Grenfell Press, 1983.

Gass, William H. Culp. New York: Grenfell Press, 1985.

Sorrentino, Gilbert. Beehive Arranged on Humane Principles. New York: Grenfell Press, 1986.

Rilke, Rainer Maria. Duineser Elegien = Elegies from the Castle of Duino. London: Hogarth Press, 1931.

Woolmer, J. Howard. Checklist of the Hogarth Press, 1917-1946. Revere, Pennsylvania: Woolmer/Brotherson, 1986.

Milton, John. Paradise Lost and Paradise Regain'd. San Francisco: Limited Editions Club, 1936.

Updike, John. Jester's Dozen (Deluxe edition). Northridge, California: Lord John Press, 1984.

Mabbott, Maureen. The Glimpse. [Lake Macbride, Iowa]: Maecenas Press, 1987.

Harrop, Dorothy. Sir Emery Walker, 1851-1933. London: Nine Elms Press, 1986.

Beekman, E. M. Totem: Poems. West Hatfield, Massachusetts: Pennyroyal Press, 1984.

Kroll, Ernest. Tattoo Parlor and Other Fraxioms. Colorado Springs: Press at Colorado College, 1982.

Carter, Sebastian. The Book Becomes. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Rampant Lions, 1984.

Franklin, Colin. Printing and the Mind of Morris. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Rampant Lions, 1986.

Storm, Colton. With Neither Rhyme Nor Reason? Bloomington, Indiana: Scarlet Ibis Press, 1974.

Bawden, Edward. A Book of Cuts. London: Scolar Press, 1979.

Greger, Debora. Normal Street. Seattle: Sea Pen Press, 1983.

Bell, Marvin. Anthropological. New York: Slow Loris Press, 1971.

Evelyn, John. Acetaria: a Discourse of Sallets. Dallas, Texas: Still Point Press, 1985.

Angelou, Maya. The Aristocrat. Newton, Iowa: Tamazunchale Press, 1986.

Kemp, Polly. Anne Bradstreet. Newton, Iowa: Tamazunchale Press, 1986.

Savin, Janet. Claude Monet. Newton, Iowa: Tamazunchale Press, 1986.

Sjoberg, John. Some Poems on My Day Off. West Branch, Iowa: Toothpaste Press, 1984.

Toth, Steve. Lost Angels. West Branch, Iowa: Toothpaste Press, 1984.

Vonnegut, Kurt. Nothing Is Lost Save Honor. West Branch, Iowa: Toothpaste Press, 1984.

Rolfe, Frederick. Reviews of Unwritten Books. Edinburgh: Tragara Press, 1985.

Weeks, Donald. Rolfe without Frederick. Edinburgh: Tragara Press, 1983.

Honig, Edwin. Gifts of Light. Isla Vista, California: Turkey Press, 1983.

London, Jack. With a Heart Full of Love. Berkeley: Twowindows Press, 1986.

Seidenberg, Caryl. Operation Rescue: In Which 25 Years of Misprints, No 2 Alike, Are Miraculously Reincarnated. Winnetka, Illinois: Vixen Press, 1980.

Blinn, Carol J. From Stripper to Publisher, or, How Printing Changed My Life. Easthampton, Massachusetts: Warwick Press, 1986.

Dowson, Ernest, New Letters from Ernest Dowson. Gloucestershire, England: Whittington Press, 1984.

Harrison, Jeffrey. The Singing Underneath. Iowa City, Iowa: Windhover Press, 1986.

Arman, Mark. Diary of Engravings and Linocuts. Thaxted, Dunmow, Sussex: Workshop Press, 1986.

Gill, Eric. Dress. Council Bluffs: Yellow Barn Press, 1986.

Mott, Frank Luther. The Old Printing Office. Council Bluffs: Yellow Barn Press, 1985.

Jeffers, Robinson. Where Shall I Take You To. Covelo, California: Yolla Bolly Press, 1987.