
Selected Recent Acquisitions

  • Selected Recent Acquisitions


    Selected Recent Acquisitions

Keywords: University of Iowa Libraries – Collections and Acquisitions

How to Cite:

(1990) “Selected Recent Acquisitions”, Books at Iowa 53(1), 61-63. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 1990, The University of Iowa.



Published on
01 Nov 1990
 Books at Iowa: Selected Recent Acquisitions

Hardin Library for the Health Sciences

Amato Lusitano. In Dioscoridis Anazarbei de Medica Materia Libros Quinque. Lyons, 1558. Gift of John Martin, M.D.

Benedetti, Alessandro. Anatomice, Siue Historia Corporis Humani. Paris, 1527. Gift of John Martin, M.D.

Bidloo, Govard. Gulielmus Cowper, Criminis Literarii Citatus, Coram Tribunali Nobiliss., ampliss. Societatis Britanno-Regiae. Leiden, 1700. Gift of John Martin, M.D.

Duchenne, Guillaume-Benjamin. Physiologie des Mouvements Demontrée à l'Aide de l'Expérimentation électrique et de l'Observation Clinique et Applicable à l'Etude des Paralysies et des Déformations. Paris, 1867. Gift of John Martin, M.D.

Feuchtersleben, Ernst. Lehrbuch der Arztlichen Seelenkunde. Vienna, 1845. Gift of John Martin, M.D.

Flint, Austin. A Text-Book of Human Physiology. New York, D. Appleton, 1877. Gift of Dr. Dorothy Schottelius in memory of her husband, Byron.

Funk, Casimir. Die Vitamine. Wiesbaden, 1914. Gift of John Martin, M.D.

Gerard, John. The Herball or Generali Historie of Plantes. London, 1630. Gift of John Martin, M.D.

Hippocrates. Hippocratis Coi Medicorum Omnium Longe Principis, Octoginta Uolumina. Rome, 1525. Gift of John Martin, M.D.

International health materials. A grant of $2,700 to the Hardin Library for the purchase of materials in the area of international health. A portion of the funds to be used for the purchase of materials related to the history of medicine. Gift of the Center for International and Comparative Studies, University of Iowa.

Montana de Monserrate, Bernardino. Libro de la Anothomia del Hombre. Valladolid, 1551. Gift of John Martin, M.D.

Peyer, Johann Jacob. Observationes Quaedam Anatomicae. Leiden, 1719. Gift of John Martin, M.D.

Qabisi, Abu al-Saqr 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn 'Uthman. Libellus Isagogicus. Venice, 1485. Gift of John Martin, M.D.

Rhazes. Liber ad Almansorem. Venice, 1497. Gift of John Martin, M.D.

Schrader, Justus. Observationes et Historiae Omnes & Singulae e Guilielmi Harvei Libello de Generatione Animalium Excerptae. Amsterdam, 1674. Gift of John Martin, M.D.

Sherrington, Charles S. The Integrative Action of the Nervous System. New York, Charles Scribner's, 1906. Gift of Dr. Dorothy Schottelius in memory of her husband, Byron.

Spallanzani, Lazzaro. Prodromo di un'Opera da Imprimersi Sopra le Riproduzioni Animali. Modena, 1768. Gift of John Martin, M.D.

Walter, Johann Gottlieb. Von den Krankheiten des Bauchfells und dem Schlagfluss. Berlin, 1785. Gift of John Martin, M.D.

Warburg, Otto Heinrich. Ueber den Stoffwechsel der Tumoren. Berlin, 1926. Gift of John Martin, M.D.

Warren, Jonathan Mason. Surgical Observations. New York, 1867. Gift of John Martin, M.D.

Main Library

Abulfedae Historia Anteislamica; Arabice, e Duobus Codicibus. Leipzig, 1831. Gift of Kenneth J. Oberembt.

Antar, A Bedoueen Romance. London, 1820. Gift of Kenneth J. Oberembt.

Conroy, Frank. Autograph manuscript of Stop-time, a memoir published by Viking Press in 1967. Gift of Frank Conroy.

Contemporary American Authors. Albondocani Press holiday greetings (16 items), Truman Capote (10 items), Willa Cather (21 items), Edward Gorey (1 item), Ernest Hemingway (16 items), and Thornton Wilder (19 items). Gift of Charlotte M. Smith.

Cookery, American. Thirteen cookbooks, mostly from the Iowa City and Cedar Rapids area. Gift of Alan F. January.

Danner, Helmut. Sketches of Siva. Drawing by Karin Ward. Cairo, 1990. No. 15 of 500 copies. Gift of Kenneth J. Oberembt.

Garlock, Dorothy. Thirty-six volumes, including foreign translations, of this Iowa novelist along with typescripts, clippings, correspondence, and other papers. Gift of Dorothy Garlock.

Harris, Lement. Subject files, pamphlets, correspondence, and clippings, mostly relating to communism and agriculture. Gift of Mr. Harris.

International Writing Program. Correspondence, literary manuscripts, and publicity materials for program directed by Paul Engle and Hua-ling Nieh Engle from its founding in 1965 until their recent retirement. Gift of The University of Iowa International Writing Program.

Lechlitner, Ruth. A collection of papers including correspondence (1920s to 1980s), manuscripts, notes, research files, clippings, and printed material of the late American poet. Gift of Paul Corey.

Limited Editions Club. One hundred sixteen titles from recent years. Gift of John Martin, M.D.

Lynch, Larry. Set Dances of Ireland: Tradition & Evolution. San Francisco, 1989. Presented by William M. Murray on behalf of Patrick Hennessey of Miltown Malbay, County Clare, Eire.

Mahfuz, Najib. The Day the Leader Was Killed, A Novel. Cairo, 1989. Gift of Kenneth J. Oberembt.

Mahfuz, Najib. One Act Plays 1. Cairo, 1989. Gift of Kenneth J. Oberembt.

Mahfuz, Najib. Palace Walk. Cairo, 1989. Signed by the author. Gift of Kenneth J. Oberembt.

Murdoch, Iris. The Message to the Planet. London, 1989. Unrevised and unpublished proofs. Gift of Jim Harris.

Odes from the Divan of Hafiz. Translated by Richard Le Gallienne. New York, 1903. No. 10 of 35 copies of the Japan paper edition. Gift of Kenneth J. Oberembt.

Prairie Press. Records of a private press operated by printer Carroll Coleman; the collection includes correspondence and printed material. Gift of Mrs. Carroll Coleman.

Schenck, Robert. Psychograms. Omaha, 1988. Gift of Elizabeth and Chauncey Leake.

Travel. Africa and South America, seven volumes. Gift of John Martin, M.D.

Volney, C.F. Travels through Syria and Egypt in the Years 1783, 1784, and 1785. London, 1787. Gift of Kenneth J. Oberembt.

Volney, C.F. Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, Pendant les Annees 1783, 1784, & 1785. Paris, 1787. Gift of Kenneth J. Oberembt.

Wilson, Adrian. Fine printed ephemera, including announcements for the Book Club of California, the Colophon Club, Friends of the Rosenberg Library, Gleeson Library-University of San Francisco, the Roxburghe Club, and the Zamorano Club. Gift of Elizabeth and Chauncey Leake.