Evaluation of Hybrid Course Implementation in Construction Engineering
Engineering educators call for a widespread implementation of hybrid instruction to respond to rapidly changing demands of 21st Century1. In response to this call, a junior-level course in the Construction Engineering department entitled Construction Equipment and Heavy Construction Methods was converted into a hybrid instruction model. The overarching goal in the hybrid course development was to take the content that can be engaged outside the class to an online platform so that class time can be used more efficiently for authentic, realistic, open-ended problems and homework assignments. This study reports the design, development and evaluation of this hybrid course and provides practical implications for hybrid course development.
How to Cite:
Ilgu, A. K. & Jahren, C., (2014) “Evaluation of Hybrid Course Implementation in Construction Engineering”, 2014 ASEE North Midwest Section Conference 2014(1), 1-10. doi: https://doi.org/10.17077/aseenmw2014.1046
Rights: Copyright © 2014, Aliye Karabulut Ilgu and Charles Jahren
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