Flipped Classroom
Authors: Charles McIntyre (Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis) , Patricia Fox (Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis)
Virtually all academic programs in any accredited discipline are required to have an Industry Advisory Board (IAB). It must be noted that the term “IAB” is generic in nature and refers to any Industry Advisory Board, Committee, Council, or otherwise named advisory group. The sole purpose of any IAB is to add value to their associated academic program. An IAB has no legislative, administrative, or programmatic authority. The role of an IAB is advisory, exclusively. IAB members are volunteers who work cooperatively with the academic program and administration in an effort to share their expert knowledge of career-related tasks and professional competency requirements within the academic discipline. However, not all IAB’s operates at a high-level of effectiveness or efficiency. In general, a “High-Impact” IAB has the required organizational structure to effectively develop and deliver their “best practices” with associated quality systems for the benefit of the academic program and the IAB.
In order to clearly define and quantify IAB organizational structure and operating procedures, the IAB Growth Management Model (GMM) has been developed which is based on fundamental management and organizational theories and leadership/management models. The basic hypotheses of the IAB GMM state that: 1.) IAB Outcomes are a function of IAB Managerial Proficiency, 2.) IAB Outcomes are defined as the number and quality of “best practices” conducted by an IAB, 3.) Managerial Proficiency represents the IAB Organizational Structure and Staffing, the IAB Planning Systems, and the IAB Quality Systems; and 4.) an increase in IAB Outcomes or quality of IAB Outcomes necessitates an increase in IAB Managerial Proficiency.
The contents of this paper are dedicated to a critical examination and evaluation of IAB Managerial Proficiency. Suggestions, guidelines, strategies, procedures and recommendations concerning IAB Organizational Structure and Staffing, IAB Planning Systems, and IAB Quality Systems are also presented. The ultimate goal of this paper is to provide a means by which an IAB can achieve meaningful results to greatly improve their overall performance.
How to Cite: McIntyre, C. & Fox, P. (2014) “Developing a "High-Impact" Industry Advisory Board”, 2014 ASEE North Midwest Section Conference. 2014(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.17077/aseenmw2014.1023