Increasing Material Coverage in Software Engineering through the Introduction of the Flipped Classroom
Software Engineering represents a rapidly changing engineering discipline. As a young discipline, the field has reached the same level of maturity as other engineering disciplines. Furthermore, as a rapidly evolving field, it also is encountering greater change than many other disciplines of engineering. This change leads to a much greater challenge meeting the needs of diverse engineering constituents. More material must be taught in each course and at a faster pace in order to ensure that students are ready for the demands of industry.
At the Milwaukee School of Engineering, curriculum changes have resulted in a reduction in lab content and credit for courses. In one course, Operating Systems, the lab component has been removed entirely. However, through prudent course design and the usage of the flipped classroom, the same amount of content was able to be covered in less time.
This article will present an analysis of the findings of applying the flipped classroom to teaching operating systems to software engineering students. Included will be analysis of student performance from control groups prior to the curriculum conversion, as well as observations from students on the usage of the flipped classroom
How to Cite:
Schilling, W., (2014) “Increasing Material Coverage in Software Engineering through the Introduction of the Flipped Classroom”, 2014 ASEE North Midwest Section Conference 2014(1), 1-7. doi:
Rights: Copyright © 2014, Walter Schilling
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