Flipped Classroom
Author: John Scheffler (University of Wisconsin - Stout)
An innovation in the college classroom can be as simple as flipping the room. Can college students tell the professor what to lecture on in class? The flipped college classroom can help to motivated and to engage students to improve in reading, and to build prior knowledge. The flipped classroom begins with students reflecting on their reading assignments by summarizing what they comprehended and what information is still unclear to them before class. The information helps the professor to fine tune lecture and classroom activities by focusing on the muddiest point’s students have in their reading assignments. Flipping the classroom can encourage students to be more independent and self-directive in their learning.
Success of the flipped classroom can be measured by quiz scores based on reading assignments. When students have a flipped classroom reflection assignment from the reading their quiz scores are higher than without the reflection assignment. Also, the lecture and classroom is more engaging with the flipped classroom assignment because students are taking on more ownership of terminology from the reading material.
How to Cite: Scheffler, J. (2014) “Flipping the College Classroom by Reflective Practice”, 2014 ASEE North Midwest Section Conference. 2014(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.17077/aseenmw2014.1022