
Shem, Ham, and Japheth: the Papers of W. O, Tuggle, Comprising His Indian Diary, Sketches and Observations, Myths, and Washington Journal, in the Territory and at the Capital, 1879-1882



Review of: Seth, Ham, and Japheth: The Papers of W. O. Tuggle, Comprising His Indian Diary, Sketches and Observations, Myths, and Washington Journal in the Territory and at the Capital, 1879-1882. Tuggle, W. O.


How to Cite: (1974) “Shem, Ham, and Japheth: the Papers of W. O, Tuggle, Comprising His Indian Diary, Sketches and Observations, Myths, and Washington Journal, in the Territory and at the Capital, 1879-1882”, The Annals of Iowa. 42(3). doi: